Gabor has a nice article about sorting hashes in Perl.
I thought I would piggy-back off Gabor's article and demonstrate how you can do something similar with a couple of CPAN modules specifically designed for processing hashes and lists.
use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.010;
use List::MoreUtils qw(natatime);
use Hash::MoreUtils qw(hashsort);
my %planets = (
Mercury => 0.4,
Venus => 0.7,
Earth => 1,
Mars => 1.5,
Ceres => 2.77,
Jupiter => 5.2,
Saturn => 9.5,
Uranus => 19.6,
Neptune => 30,
Pluto => 39,
Charon => 39,
# Sort the keys of the hash using the hashsort function in the Hash::MoreUtils module
my @array_of_pairs = hashsort \%planets;
use warnings;
use 5.010;
use List::MoreUtils qw(natatime);
use Hash::MoreUtils qw(hashsort);
my %planets = (
Mercury => 0.4,
Venus => 0.7,
Earth => 1,
Mars => 1.5,
Ceres => 2.77,
Jupiter => 5.2,
Saturn => 9.5,
Uranus => 19.6,
Neptune => 30,
Pluto => 39,
Charon => 39,
# Sort the keys of the hash using the hashsort function in the Hash::MoreUtils module
my @array_of_pairs = hashsort \%planets;
# Leverage List::MoreUtils natatime function to create an iterator to peel off 2 items at a time
my $it = natatime 2, @array_of_pairs;
while ( (my $a, $b) = $it->() ) {
say "$a $b";
my $it = natatime 2, @array_of_pairs;
while ( (my $a, $b) = $it->() ) {
say "$a $b";
Ceres 2.77
Charon 39
Earth 1
Jupiter 5.2
Mars 1.5
Mercury 0.4
Neptune 30
Pluto 39
Saturn 9.5
Uranus 19.6
Venus 0.7
Charon 39
Earth 1
Jupiter 5.2
Mars 1.5
Mercury 0.4
Neptune 30
Pluto 39
Saturn 9.5
Uranus 19.6
Venus 0.7
what's the point of the sort if you're not using the numerical values? Seems kind of silly since you could have just alphabetically sorted them by hand.
Don't you mean local ($a, $b) ?
One other way:
*** Also see Sort::MultipleFields, Sort::Rank
use Moose;
use Data::Printer;
my $hash = {
a => {
pos => 9,
key2 => 1,
b => {
pos => 8,
key2 => 1,
c => {
pos => 7,
key2 => 0,
d => {
pos => 6,
key2 => 1,
e => {
pos => 5,
key2 => 1,
f => {
pos => 4,
key2 => 1,
g => {
pos => 3,
key2 => 1,
h => {
pos => 2,
key2 => 1,
i => {
pos => 1,
key2 => 1,
my @sorted = sort { $hash->{$a}->{pos} <=> $hash->{$b}->{pos} } keys $hash;
warn p @sorted;
Thank's.. great article Toko Kamera Murah di Indonesia
Thanks @jnagyjr. I suppose that's true. I was trying to illustrate the usage of List::MoreUtils, and Hash::MoreUtils by playing off Gabor's article.
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